
2011 APIQWTC Scholarship Awardees!

Posted on Jan 20, 2013 in News Archive, Scholarship Awardees

Wen Liu and Estelle Davis have won this year’s APIQWTC scholarships.
Congratulations to both for their impressive accomplishments!

Wen Liu is a queer Taiwanese community organizer and graduate student in  the Social-Personality Psychology Ph.D. Program at the City University  of New York, Graduate Center. As an undergraduate at University of  Washington, Wen co-founded  the Queer People of Color Alliance, Youth for Middle East, and Chinese  Speaking Queers. Wen additionally worked as a programming coordinator at  Q Center, the LGBT resource center, advocating particularly for queer  students of color.  Wen has also organized East African, Latino,  and Asian immigrant custodial staff by forming a multi-generational  labor solidarity group called International Workers and Students for  Justice to combat lay offs and workplace harassment. This summer Wen  will conduct qualitative research on lesbian and bisexual Southeast  Asian migrant workers in Taiwan to underscore how they have formed  community and comradeship in their fight against capitalist  exploitation.

Thank you video from Wen:
2011 APIQWTC Scholarship Awardee – Wen Liu

Sarah Estelle Davis is a second-generation queer Filipina American who  will begin the Master’s in Public Health at San Francisco State  University in fall 2011. She hopes to improve accessibility by training  health care professionals in cultural competency. Estelle plans to  develop frameworks that are particularly inclusive of LGBT, trauma  survivors, and Asian American communities. She has worked eight years as a  public health worker at organizations such as Center for Health  Training, Fenway Community Health Center, and Marin AIDS Project. She is  currently a legal worker at Communities United for Restorative Justice,  an organization that combats the criminalization of young men of color  and the displacement of low-income communities. As an undergraduate at  Tufts University, Estelle examined the medicalization of polycystic  ovary syndrome, the most common reproductive disorder in reproductive aged women.

Estelle will be at the banquet to thank APIQWTC in person.

Please DONATE to the Scholarship Fund today.
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