
Movie Night Sat. June 21 @ Sports Basement

Posted on May 11, 2014 in News Archive, Past Events

A QWOCMAP production, features LGBTQ People of Color and their families.

Family Blessings, a QWOCMAP production, features LGBTQ People of Color and their families.

Excited for PRIDE month?
Do you love attending all those LGBTQ film festivals?
Do you miss hanging out with APIQWTC folks??
Well… (in lieu of June’s Second Friday)


What: Special screening of Family Blessings* 

When: Saturday, June 21, 5-7 pm

Where: 1590 Bryant St. SF  (Sports Basement Community Room, next to bike and snow department)  

 **SPECIAL** SHOP at Sports Basement on this day, tell them you’re with APIQWTC and you’ll get 10% off. In addition 10% of the proceeds will go back to the community. What a deal!!!

 *Family Blessings, a QWOCMAP production, features LGBTQ People of Color and their families.  The film follows queer API women as they discuss the creation of the families and offers compelling insights into how queer mothers and parents raise their children while maintain strong API values and traditions. It is one of the rare films that features queer API women of different ethnicities and nationalities. 

BONUS: Participants of the film will be present for a special Q&A!   You’ll also have a chance to meet the fabulous summer interns from APIQWTC and API Equality Northern California!



Refreshments will be provided.
    Hope to see you there!


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